About Me

My photo
I'm an artist who can't choose a medium. My current weapon of choice is a black fine line art marker, which I use to doodle pretty little illustrations. I turn them into clip art that you can purchase in my Etsy shop for use in projects like web design and scrapbooking. I live with my husband and evil black cat in Chicago.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

So many things!

I have made so many things today:
  • I made a bag using one of Keyka Lou's patterns.  It turned out pretty good (I'm keeping it) and I learned things, like the interfacing I'm using for wristlets now just doesn't work for bigger bags. I'm definitely going to make more to sell, because the pattern is adorable.
  • I made a little clutch using another of Keyka Lou's patterns, and I finally figured out how you do that zipper tab thing!  Hooray!  :)
  • I tried to make soft pretzels.  "Tried" being the key word.  They promptly went into the trash.
  • I carved a pumpkin!  It has Jack Skellington's face, and looks awesome.  (Tip: Carving pumpkins with regular knives is not easy!  There's a reason why people buy those pumpkin carving kits!)
  • I'm currently roasting pumpkin seeds.  Yum.
I would post pictures of everything, but my camera and computer aren't playing nice at the moment.  I'll try tomorrow once my camera's battery has charged - cross your fingers that solves the problem!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Patchwork Things

Patchwork coasters, pin cushion & sewing machine mat
What I really wanted to do today was make a fantastic handbag, but my muse said, "Reply hazy, try again later."  So instead I spent several hours looking at pretty pictures on design blogs.  I saw some patchwork coasters, and thought I'd make one - which turned into three.  Which turned into making a new pincushion, and a new sewing machine mat (my old one was ugly).  I also made a little pin book for my sewing machine needles, but I used bias tape for the edges, and I still suck at that, so it's a mess and not fit for your precious eyes.  (Bias tape is my nemesis.  I have watched the tutorials, I have tried all the tricks, and every time it turns out awful.  It's why my Hullaballoo quilt is sitting around unfinished - because the next step is bias tape.  Boo.)

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Unicorn Plushie

Unicorn Plushie

This stuffed unicorn was created while I was In The Zone.  (I was so deep in it, I'm surprised my husband didn't have to shake me to get me to talk to him.)  I came out of it when I finished up this little guy.  The pattern I used (Simplicity 2763) was for a horse, but why make a horse when you can make a unicorn?  Unicorns are cool.

More stuffed animals to come!  Hopefully they will turn out as cute as this one.

Mystery Fabric!

More mystery fabric!!
My mom came to see me and we went to Hancock Fabric, because I've never been and wanted to see what their selection looked like (verdict - Interesting. I'll go back.), but the most exciting part was I managed to find my blue timey wimey fat quarters! I bought every single fat quarter at the JoAnn Fabrics by my house, and I've looked all over the internet, but I can't figure out what this fabric is called or where to get more of it. So I was thrilled to find these. And then my mom stopped by another JoAnn on her way home and found me six more! So I'm good for awhile, but seriously internet, I MUST KNOW what this fabric is called and where to get more. So if you know, leave me a message somewhere.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Bella the Chair Thief

Bella the Chair Thief

This is Bella (named after the Death Eater, not the vampire bait teenager).  She thinks my office chair is hers in the morning hours, and she defends her territory with very sharp claws.  We do battle for it every day.  I usually win, but most of the time I come away wounded.

I'm letting her win today.