About Me

My photo
I'm an artist who can't choose a medium. My current weapon of choice is a black fine line art marker, which I use to doodle pretty little illustrations. I turn them into clip art that you can purchase in my Etsy shop for use in projects like web design and scrapbooking. I live with my husband and evil black cat in Chicago.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Disco Ball Bachelorette Party Invitations

Disco Ball Bachelorette Party Invitation
I have been an invitation designing machine this week, but I think this one is my favorite.  It's shiny and pink and fun, and a little bit moody. 

These Disco Ball Bachelorette Party Invitations sport a sparkly pink disco ball, and are great for those bachelorette parties that involve bar hopping, dancing, too many cranberry and vodkas, and forcing the bride to wear embarrassing head gear and flashing buttons to celebrate her last hurrah before she's married.

Click here to get these invites for yourself.

Martini Bachelorette Party Invitations

Martini Bachelorette Party Invitations
 Martini Bachelorette Party Invitations!

These are for your classier 'girl's night out' bachelorette parties.  The ones where your friends don't make you wear a veil pinned with condoms or do embarrassing things to random men.  Ones where maybe you all sit around and sip Cosmos, and open up a pile of presents that contain pretty lingerie.

(I swear to god, the pink color isn't actually that acidic and eye-watering.  It's actually a mellow rose.  Damn web safe colors.)

Click here to get these for yourself!

Bags & Boxes Bridal Shower Invitation

Bags & Boxes Bridal Shower Invitation
The Bags & Boxes Bridal Shower Invitation is decorated with gift bags and pretty wrapped boxes in a variety of colors with a line of horizontal stripes in coordinating colors.  They're simple, cheerful and bright, and work for any type of bridal shower.

(I'm really pushing my creative limits with naming stuff today, I know.)

Click here to get these invites for yourself!