About Me

My photo
I'm an artist who can't choose a medium. My current weapon of choice is a black fine line art marker, which I use to doodle pretty little illustrations. I turn them into clip art that you can purchase in my Etsy shop for use in projects like web design and scrapbooking. I live with my husband and evil black cat in Chicago.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Fashion Models Digital Stamp

Fashion Models Digital Stamp Set
My Fashion Models Digital Stamp Set should look familiar to you if you've looked around on my blog at all.  I made this design into rubber stamps and printed my own fabric (which I called 'Gams,' because these ladies have some awesome gams on them).  These fashionable models are wearing similar dresses, have great hairstyles, and pretty shoes.  Get these stamps for yourself in my Etsy shop, rachelwhitetoo.