I've been working on Christmas cards this week, and this face is the start of what will be the Snow Queen. I was thinking Narnia, but darker and more dramatic.
I'm going to give her an icicle crown and some kind of neck thing - I'm torn between feathers, fur, or an Elizabethan collar with diamonds. I've been working on the collar idea for the past couple of hours though, and it's not turning out how I'd hoped. Feathers could be fun to paint.
In painting this, I finally figured out the secret to digitally painting skin! You throw down some color, hit Gaussian Blur until you get something you like, then rinse and repeat
ad nauseam. But it works! I did the same thing with her hair.
Why is her hair blue, you ask? Well, in my head she was going to be white blonde, but then I realized I'd done her eyebrows and lashes in black, so I'd committed to a dark color without realizing. Hence, blue. She's a Snow Queen, after all. She can get away with that.